Not only will your dog's behaviour dramatically improve within this short period. But we will also give you the tools and knowledge that are necessary for you to be able to maintain your new and improved dog's behaviour on your own.
Our 'Great Reset' program assists in not only getting rid of behaviours such as - leash reactivity, doorbell reactivity and jumping. We also focus on building your dog's self-esteem and independence. With an additional week (compared to our 'Shortcut' program), we are able to give your dog the extra time and space to adapt to newly formed behavioural patterns and further work on all areas of weaknesses.
Got a new puppy and don't know where to start? Let us give you the blueprint! It's important to shape good habits from a young age, getting it right the first time is crucial for their success. Your puppy will learn all of the basics to maneuver in a home.
Ever dreamt about having your dog come every time you call it? To allow your dog the freedom it deserves? To be able to explore but know he'll respond every time you ask? We will teach your dog to be completely leash free! Your dog will be able to: Sit & Stay, Down & Stay, Stay On Place, Come When Called, Walk At Your Side Without A Leash, Wait At Doorways.
Our dog obedience programs focus on unlearning and re-learning new habits, teaching and improving obedience, and providing your dog with proper socialization. We address behavioural issues by building a balanced relationship with your dog, incorporating new structures, and showing your dog how to make better choices.
Your dog needs to have a solid foundational understanding of the following commands: “SIT!”, “DOWN!”, “PLACE!” and “RECALL” before you begin introducing the e-collar. Additionally, this is not an off-leash program. This e-book is designed to increase reliability with known commands on a short or long line, improve issues with leash reactivity, and stop unwanted behaviours.